Create a Responsive WordPress Theme – Video Tutorial – 1

Published On May 25, 2015
68 Comments Leave a Comment

Responsive-designFor all the people who want to learn how to code a Responsive WordPress theme using Bootstrap Framework or just want to learn WordPress theme development in general, I have started a new Video Tutorial Series from today. This is the first part from a series of videos where you can see me creating the Responsive WordPress theme from scratch. In the videos, I will be using code snippets and explaining what each one does, and gradually completing the theme as the series progresses.

For each part of the video, I will be providing the relevant files for download that you can edit and learn yourself. After the completion of the series, the final theme will also be available for download.

Watch the Video

Watch Next Parts of this Video Series

Create a Responsive WordPress Theme – Video Tutorial – 2
Create a Responsive WordPress Theme – Video Tutorial – 3

Download the Tutorial Files

Download the Files

What Next?

I am sure this Video Tutorial Series will be helpful to a lot of people. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments (I am working on the Forums Section and they shall be ready soon). So, I will like you to comment and provide feedback so that I can improvise in my next videos. I am also open to suggestions as to what kind of tutorial series you will like to see next time. I had a lot of fun making the video and I am sure you will have too 🙂

68 replies on “Create a Responsive WordPress Theme – Video Tutorial – 1” Reply

Very helpful & informative video, thank you for taking the time to make this video, very help for newbies like me.

chrisgail Reply

These themes are very useful for those people who are a developer and they made some business websites on WordPress.I am one of the best writers who are providing the students online writing skills

Sam john Reply

WOW…what an amazing Tutorial, You give the best video tutorial series of WordPress theme using Bootstrap Framework, I am waiting for your next video

Tacoma Landscapings Reply

This tutorial is old yet very helpful. Simple but informative. Will check this blog site for more tutorials. Thank you.

amarasmith Reply

WOW…what an amazing Tutorial, You give the best video tutorial series of WordPress theme using Bootstrap Framework, I am waiting for your next video part.

Kurt Reply

I’ve created my other website with WordPress! I’m gonna edit it with the help of your responsive WP theme tutorial. Thank you so much!

fredluis Reply

Awesome article and looking very helpful to students who don’t know writing, i am sure they would love this article and recommend your service.

Yahoo Tech Support Reply

To choose the theme is a tough task while creating your website on WordPress, sometimes its so confusing to build an effective theme but you provide the great solution that how to create a theme which is effective and attractive, it really great and working.

Andrew Reply

This video is really very useful for responsive wordpress theme,after watching this video and following the steps including in video helps me to develop effective wordpress theme.

JD Reply

I waited patiently for you to finish the series and you didn’t disappoint at all. You really put together an awesome tut.
I’m going to use this on my next site, thanks again for taking the time to put all of this together!

Jai Reply

Hello Rick, You can have a look at the Part 2, if you haven’t till now. I will soon be releasing Part 3 of this video series so keep coming 🙂

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