I just found this really nice flash game which tests your concentration skills. You have to move your mouse cursor slowly without touching the edges and get to the finishing point. The game has various levels and if you make through all of them, consider yourself a real player 🙂 So, how steady is your hand?

About Jai
I am a blogger and a web designer.
53 replies on “A Funny Flash Game”
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owhh man. cheers to you and god bless!
I try my level best to not touch the edge but unfortunately my cursor touch the edges but anyhow I still manage to reach at stage 3 and then I give up. But this game is really nice.
ts really a great game and need lots of practice
its really a great game and need skills
damn! now i gotta go change my pants! cant wait to get my friends with this tho! 😀
This game is old…but still remains a good one.
The game doesn’t load anymore.
very nice theme , but too expensive 🙂
very good… 🙂
just played till stage 3 n i give up…hurt my eyes….maybe i must be too sleepy..anyway, cool simple game.hehe
hahahah nice one
how to grab this game to my blog?
I played… I concentrated… I looked closer… closer… focusing, and there she came in screaming right on my bloody face and I fell off the chair screamin’ like nobody’s business and as soon as I got back up on my chair, darn, the room felt so silent! Hahahaha thanks for making me scream at first, then laugh back later after a few intense moment of silence… LOL!
BTW Jai, I’ve got loads of interesting and informative stuffs from your bob.com and am thankin’ ya all the way with well wishes that you’ll stay being productive and continuing your generous and kind (MINUS THIS ONE TIME GAME! URGH! Hehehe) thoughts of sharing stuffs with amateur bloggers like moi… If u’re free, do visit my site/ blog (www.lealaurielle.com/blog) and let me know what you think needs to be improved – i know I’m bad at codings and maybe I need other people’s eyes helping me out.
Anyways, cheers again to you and god bless!
PS: U’re not in malaysia btw are u?
thank you oyun
I have my speakers off, plus I’ve seen worse pictures so I wasn’t scared >_>
You can cheat by right clicking and just dropping the cursor on the red spot
great game
very old and funny “game” 😉
Nothing beats Tetris and Pacman!
wtf ? damn it ! made me scream.
I’m very shock when I finished this game 🙁
Thanks a lot. Asshole. Hahaha.
i regret playing this game. i threw my mouse away.
The best part about this game is that you can actually cheat in it by right clicking on your mouse, then moving your pointer to the red area and clicking with your left button. It will then register that as a “passed” level.
How good is that?
And yes…. how scary is the aftermath :S
dude, thanks God i don’t have a heart attack either. you should give us warning first. perhaps you can put some update on this post so later people try this game, they wouldn’t die by a heart attack
You scared the hell out of me! Next time give us some warning first… Otherwise, you will be responsible for the heart attack people will suffer.
I am not falling for that again. I already have played this game some time ago.
I was very frightened man you should warned us before we try it. 😡
Wow, I guess it’s a good thing my sound was turned off. My three-year-old daughter is next to me. 😛
So how many of you recognized the face? Linda Blair from The Exorcist?
I got shock too, only my cat laughing at me now…
I got shock 😐
Be careful everyone…
I was listening to song and put the volume to high. That was shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice game. lol
good thing i work from home and not at an office
I’m gonna kill you some day.
I can’t imagine, I fell for this.
I was so damn sleepy and since the first two rounds were easy, on third round, I started to imagine how the hell I’m going to get through that narrow path and that ugly freaking face with that creepy scream. You surely gave me a heart attack!
You really freaked the hell out of me!
Damnit, I can’t imagine I fell for this…
Thanks for giving me the nightmare.
Oh! I was thinking that only one more stage is to go but i have got my reward in 3rd stage. Really shocking
You got me there, damn you!
Wtf!?! You scared the crap out of me! lol 😀
i only got to level 3… not passed it yet… 😉
Well… I jumped. 🙂
Ahhhh…shit…you got me jai…
OMG… I know this game but why am I still shocked at the third stage? 🙁
Jai, you make me scream in the office…. arrrggghhhh
There was a car ad with similar theme..
Shit! i wuz concentrating soo much on the third stage!. Cool gag Jai!
My friend pranks me with this games some time ago…. LOL… thanks god I don’t have heart attack.
owhh man. that was shit. it shocking me…luickily i’ve no heart attack
I hope this game will not encounter people with heart attack. Hehhehhe.
I know this already 2 years ago and its shocking.
Jai this is shocking
I know this game! It’s funny and it’s testing your skillz!