Its been more than a year that I bought Blog Oh! Blog from its last owner – Bob (long live Bob!), and I think its been a success according to what the statistics tell me. So far, I have released quite a number of WordPress themes including free and premium ones (also revamping Blog Oh! Blog’s own theme twice ).
I was figuring out a way to tell you about the stats and I think I will start from the dashboard itself. So, Ladies & Gentlemen… here goes.
Blog Oh! Blog has been endowed with :-
196 posts (I think I have been lazy and busy sometimes)
8143 approved comments (I love you all for the continuing support)
53 categories (SEO requirement…I guess)
277 tags (Never figured out the difference between these and the categories)
WordPress themes statistic :-
Free WordPress themes released so far :- 51 themes (Its all one man’s job guys…I tried hard..phew!!)
Premium WordPress themes release so far :- 8 themes (I eat too, you know!)
Famous ones include :-
Statement (348 comments) – This one shot to fame very quickly
Blog Oh V2.0 (309 comments)
Firebug (238 comments)
DailyPress (212 comments)
Digital Statement (210 comments)
Numbers do matter. So, let’s do some rankings :-
Google PageRank : 4/10 – Dropped from 6/10 (I hope all the SEO gurus get this!)
Technorati : Rank – 30 / Authority – 16,992 (This number keeps dwindling mysteriously)
Compete : 29,719 (Never cared about this. I included it here just to build stats.)
Google Backlinks (As per Google Webmaster Tools) : 1,340,585 (That’s quite a lot…trust me when I say this!)
Feedburner Readers : 5300+ (I love you all again! Even if you are the dormant ones…you are out there, somewhere.)
Finally, as far as revenue goes, I made around $45,000+ from Blog Oh! Blog last year which included Theme Designs, Custom Orders, Affiliate Earnings, Premium Theme sales, Banner Ads plus some more things here and there.
Its not easy to write blog entries, make free themes, moderate the blog and also try to make a living for myself by doing the other stuff mentioned above, but I think I am too deep in it now. So all I can say is “Happy blogging everyone!”
34 replies on “A Recap :)”
wow, so impresiv, can you share some tips for me
Nice site, very impresive, nicee job and keep update.
Great to see your progress. Very impressive
Felicidades por el buen logro en sus estadísticas, ojala se animen pronto a sacar templates en blogger porque eh visto diseños muy bonitos que me gustaria probar pero yo uso como plataforma de posteo blogger
perfect site.. congratulations!!
I loved your blog, especialy your free wordpress themes, lets give me more free themes
jai has always been an inspiration to me, i have used a lot of his stuff with my blog to, not making 45k but decent tho.
I see all the comments here and I am really wondering .. Could my experience with Jai and his themes be the exception?
as most of Malaysians who envy bob for what he have done so far, i think blogohblog in your hand is becoming more successful then ever.
Thats a very impressive track record you have there Jai.
Keep it going and I wish that the recession does not hit the blogosphere too
Keep us informed about the things which we need to do to get to your target of earning 45K in not an year but in a month :p
Thanks for all that you have shared.
I agree, congratulations on the success of the blog. It’s tough to make a living on the internet (or elsewhere) so good for you.
Congratulations on the success of Blog Oh! Blog Jai! You’ve got a fan in me. After trying out multiple themes for my site I finally found what I wanted in your Statement release. Its worked well for me over the past few months. Thanks!
I may have some custom theme work for you soon for a new idea and site I’ll be launching.
Awesome work Jai. You have been doing wonderful job. I have used your themes in past and everyone knows that your themes ROCK!
Here is a little tribute for you. I nominated your blog at BloggersChoiceAwards 2009. I am pretty sure, you will win.
Guys, whoever loved Jai’s themes, please vote for him!
Love, Kristy.
Congrats Jai! More power!
There seems to be no clear-cut definition to distinguish categories from tags. So what I do is this: ‘category’ is for the broad classification, while ‘tag’ is for narrow. For example, on my food blog, I have categories like “Italian”, “Chinese”, “Filipino”, etc. (the cuisines). Then I have tags like “spaghetti”, “chop suey”, “adobo”, etc. Hopes this helps somehow.
congratulations. keep your fresh idea. hopes i can follow your success.
I’ve been finished my website.
Well done Jai,
And you forgot to mention ur alexa rank.
here is yours – 172,315
good writing jai
Great job Jai, keep up the good work and true dedication.
seriously, i envy you! [^^]
wow you made it all so detailed. I have not check mine.
keep up ur good work jai…
gud luck in ur blogging and wordpress theme designer life….
cheers from me!
Thats awesome stats. Especially the amount you earned
Thanks, i hope you come up with more themes in future.
Great stats dude.
I love your site and your attitude. Pleasant, fun and productive.
Congrats! That’s really fantastic. Keep it up and great job!:)
Most important, a BIG thanks for all of the cool (and free) tips that you’ve passed onto us this past year. You don’t make a penny for free advice, but your insight has made us all better bloggers.
I hope ’09 is an even better year for you. Thanks for all you do!
Great to see your progress. Very impressiv
Conclusion: Happy new year
Great to see your progress. Very impressive. Your investment in buying this blog has already been paid off in the first year itself!! And knowing that you are making money is an inspiration for wannabe entrepreneurs like me.
I too have not been able to figure out the difference between tags and categories, or even labels as they are called in blogspot. Bet these are just to confuse the people. Need only one thing.
Technorati has been behaving strangely.
If your Google backlinks shows 1.3m backlinks, how come Google page rank has dropped? I thought there was a connection in page rank and the number of times your page is linked to on other sites. Strange.
Hope you continue rocking…
Nice to see that the site is doing well for itself, and you have done an amazing job of picking up where bob left off! Keep up the good work, and I’ll continue to come back forever!!!
Congrats on the good stats report.
And The Tick ROCKS!!!
Good job. Keep it up!
I am hating the recession
Way to go on the stats ! I hope this year brings you even more success….Keep up the good work!