Do you really want to intoxicate people with the beauty of your blog ? Well, first you have to intoxicate your blog with this new WordPress theme from Blog Oh! Blog – Blue Weed. This is the latest offering from me to all you WordPress users. The theme has a clean and crisp look with light blue colors fit for almost any blog. Blue Weed is Gravatar-ready, WP2.5 Gallery-ready, Widget-ready, and includes tabbed sections for easy access to your content.
The theme has been tested both in Internet Explorer and Firefox with no visible problems.

Please leave a comment if you decide to use it or not 🙂
114 replies on “WordPress Theme – Blue Weed”
Great information, I will look for this template.
tema is good great i like
nice work – its a beautiful theme.
Actually theme is quite simple and this is the reason i like it. So it can be used for landing pages for personal blog.
For people wants to earn with adsense this theme is better and most importantly safer than typical adsense ready theme.
Greate Theme. Thanks for share.
lovely blue colours maaan
Love the simple and clean design. Thanks.
Hello Jai!
I would just like to know how to remove the featured post and make it as an ordinary post? Please help!
Do you mean sticky post plugin?
If so you can easy hardcode sticky post on you blog using specific post id.
Really excellent theme. There are many themes that have pro design but doesn’t have perfect color matching as this one.
what a great theme!! Thanks a lot, I used it for my blog..
This seems great but for some strange reason it is not working properly whenyou are also using a sticky post.
thanks 4 your share
Love the simple and clean design. Thanks.
This is a beautiful theme I use on my blog even today!
i love blue, I’ll use this theme soon. Thanks
Great themes but i see too many text. I seek for the themes that have balance between text and picture icon. And the header should be more eye catching i guess.. =)
Thnk’s for blue weed template, GBU 🙂
Do you have a drop down menu for this theme? Or Can you please guide me to add the drop down menu functionality?
Thanks for the theme! It looks great!
great themes! thanks!
Yeh!! I am ready to use itt
but HTML script
how can I keep this template to my blogspot yaar please tell me
I like it…I want to try…
Simple and great!
its beuatifully
Great theme! Ive just used it for a few of my blogs. thanks
Hello there! Very nice theme, looks great!
This is an amazing theme, I’ll post the URL when I’ve got it added! Smooth stuff, thanks! Blogs – Just another weblog
Thanks for the theme
Love the template mate, there were a couple things that I thought you could change to make it even more SEO Friendly (things that can’t be changed with plugins). You can find it on my blog at:
Blue Weed SEO WordPress Template
nice 🙂
very nice theme. love the color choice 🙂
hmm btw, is it okay to modify your theme? like adding the dropdown subpage, changing colors, and changing image? can i reproduce it under different name (still mentioning blue weed as the base theme)? is there any requirement to reproduce your modified theme as new theme?
i’ve seen that blueweed was produced under the creative common license. but there’s a lot of cc license variant (able to edit/not, need linking bank/not, need mentioning author/not, etc). thx if you reply it as soon as possible 🙂
Any chance you’ll update this theme to support threaded comments?
Thanks for the theme, I might use it. ^^
thanks for a lovely theme; i tweaked and am currently using it on my site. lovely 🙂
Clean and fresh. Eye-friendly colors. Will use it on meta blog.
what can i say, it’s so nice. will uploaded to my fisrt blog.
Hi jai,
i like your theme. It’s great. keep good work 🙂
Simple and clean look – I will very likely be using this theme
very beautiful Theme.
Thake you for good thing.
Great Post!!! i’m a new writer and im looking for feedback to get better. If anyone has any tips it would be greatly appreciated.
i wonder how to use the wp-page-numbers with this theme?i tried at my localhost it working but when i tried at my hosting,it didnt working…
i used it
?t is cool theme.thanks.
very good and nice
hoho~found you!
wow, its a very nice theme
that blue was glad being seen
i will use it to my blog
thank u..
wow, its a very nice theme
thats blue i
this one looks good. I already download it.
I will use it for my others blog. 🙂
hi jai just inform you that blogger conversions is finished.
kindly check
awaiting for your review. thanks.
hi jai, very nice template. i’m now workout this template to blogspot platform. but seems ‘first post’ cannot be applied on this platform. i will change it by split the box into two column for widget box.
will inform you once finished.
A very good theme, good
naturel themes. thanks. 😉
great theme! thank you!
I love this theme but my ordered lists are not showing correctly once the post is published. In the editor the post looks great but on the site the format is not correct. Please help!!!
Beautiful theme, just love the clean look. A new theme for my blog. Thanks! 🙂
Hi, I like this theme very much and I am going to using this theme for me blog. But I got something missing in a this file or you forgot to include this.
Like there is no comment option in page.php file.
Just add this line in the page.php file so that comments are shown in any page linked from menu.
Hi Jay,
I love this theme, and i use it at my website but i changes the color theme. Thank a lot
@Ann – Good suggestion Ann! I will keep it in mind.
It looks nice, but it’s very difficult to read that first post. The human eye is comfortable scanning about 70 characters across. Any more than that and you lose your place when you move your eyes from the end of one line on the right to the beginning of the next line on the left.
I really like this theme, except for the lists. How can I add the bullets?
oh great theme very good
Thanks for making this nice and clean theme.
I got a few problems with it though. I couldnt find the solution in your forums so I thought of posting a comment here.
Recent post is not showing and the recent comments is empty.
Any solution to this?
Kindly, help please.
thanks for your theme
i have changed somewhere in your blueweed theme.
because of my knowledge is so poor that i couldn’t get some style like moviesite…
Another awesome theme! Thank you!!!
nice theme!
Hey Jai I used your BlueWeed theme for my temporary theme while I work on the main one. Hoping to bring some traffic back and forth between me and you 🙂
Also giving away 5 hosting accounts as a promotional item, also inspired by the great Jai on that one.
Anyways, love the site, love the themes, love the articles. Keep up the great work. Hit me up on MSN sometime we should get together and build something spectacular!
Hi Jai
The theme is very nice..
But I find that the “Hyperlink” is not working on the home page and at the single post pages.
But it works well in the first post (latest post) in the main page.
Am I missing something ?
Any help is appreciated…
Thanks Jai,
I grabbed one of the GA widgets and that is where it put the code.
Thanks for the quick repsonse.
@james: You can insert the Analytics code in the footer.php file.
Hi there,
Love the theme, thanks.
Just wanted a bit of tech help. Where is the best place to insert the code for Google Analytics? Also I was trying to insert code for a Getresponse pop up but am not sure where to put it either,
Any help appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
it very nice themes, ranee
very nice! this is exactly what i’m looking for. will download and use immediately 🙂
keep up the good work!
Nice theme. I am using it. Can you please tell me , how to remove and put the search box between the latest post and tabs ?
Awesome layout ! I’m using it in my personal page 🙂
Great thank 🙂
I take back my words because I decided to use your another theme called “Pop Blue”. Sorry.
I like the minimal feel and am a big fan of blue. Nice work.
Simply gorgeous. Every new theme just trumps the last.
It’s great. I just need to ask you smth.
How can I make the post title to be clicked so it can take to the comments page?
It can’t be done in the default.
PLease help me, this is really urgent
beautiful theme! thanks, BOB.
Thank you
really nice theme Jai,
great job! I’ll use it on any of my blogs
the theme is really great, fine and I expect to see more 😀
Excellent theme, Jai!
Love it 🙂
I’m fond of almost every theme you release. Perfect job!
And now again, I’m in doubt (I want to use this theme) :s
Should I keep statement or not 🙁
download first, nice looking… thks
Hi Jai,
I love your themes and i’m using it now.
Hi Jai!
remember me? It’s ok if you don’t.
Anyway, your site and your themes are amazing, you are shockingly talented. I hate you! J/K.
I’m using Statement now at And I was looking for another good theme from you guys to use for a wedding blog I am building. I love this one and I am seriously considering it. I may even change my statement one to this one. Love y’all stuff. It makes me happy. Thank you.
Wonderfull theme man! Congratulations!
Un diseño muy limpio. Me gusta mucho9, auque por ahora estoy intentando desarrollar my propio diseño basado en el predetermindado de wordpress.
Very nice design, I like it a lot, though i won’t use it for the moment. I’ m trying to develope my own design based on the default wordpress theme.
Awesome theme, I’ll definitely modify it and try to see how I could use it on any of my websites! 😀
Looks COOOL, Great work!
could you add a 404 page?
Jai, the latest theme for WP is the best I have ever seen. Thanks for your wonderful imagination! (Tears for Victims in the violently earthquake in China)
Clean and fresh! Great job (again) Jai.
More importantly, good clean code under the hood.
Thank you.
Weed can be only one color – rainbow color ^_^
Awesome theme man! I have to say, I’m falling in love with BoB 😀
Way to go Jai!
another great theme!!
Cool theme, love it, i already download and prepare to use in future. 😀
If I am using, how do I implement this theme in my blog?
I really loved this theme and would love to have this as my blog theme. Can you help please?
Hi jay
A suggestion, the comment box its pretty light, some people cannot find where to write the comment…
Thats my suggestion
Keep the work!
Another good one Jai. Thanks. Will try this on my other blog 😉
Great job Jai! As always you’ve made another outstanding theme.
Looking Really good!
Good Job
This is an amazing theme, I’ll post the URL when I’ve got it added! Smooth stuff, thanks!
very nice but i don know how to browse
Hello there! Very nice theme, looks great!
Unfortunately it didn’t appear in /wp-admin/themes.php even though I think I did no mistake while dragging & dropping the folder into /wp-content/themes/ … I double checked, tried it on a default WordPress 2.5.1 installation and also tried to install any other BOB-theme … no difference!
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Awesome theme: simple and good looking it is what I was looking, for just does’nt like the grass in the bottom 🙂
I like it! It’s great 🙂
hi there, nice one… but can i ask that, the bigger column at the above is the entry post? wat about the 2nd bigger one beside the right sidebar? i might going to use it, maybe… just need more info from u, thanks 😀 (cos changing themes need a lot of times to move things from place to place) please advise and thanks!!! it is a nice themes for me 😀
Love the cool blue color.
Thanks for the nice theme!
LOVE this theme, using it until I can afford a web designer. HOWEVER, I would like to put adsense into the header in the big space of white next to the title. it needs the ability to put a widget up there, unless somebody can redirect me to a hack to put adsense into the header bar.
please tell me that somebody somewhere has made a hack for that spot.. please please…I’ll mention you on my other blog at amie sugat .com if you can come up with one!