Yehaa! got my new Kontera PublisherID. Kontera oh Kontera! is my new toy to earn some money while blogging.
Kontera’s ContentLink is a double underlined contextually relevant keyword on a web page that upon mouse-over opens a small bubble like box that displays and links to an ad from one of Kontera’s advertisers.
Why should I use Kontera?
Kontera’s ContentLink can be a nice source of additional revenue along with Adsense and other advertising programs you use, without taking any extra space on your web page. So if you wish to make money online with your web site, try out Kontera.
Who are ContentLinkâ„¢ Web Publishers?
ContentLinkâ„¢ is currently enabling hundreds of web publishers across multiple content categories and any online content type including user-generated content such as blogs, forums, product reviews and social networking sites.
How much will I earn through ContentLinkâ„¢?
The ContentLinkâ„¢ ads displayed on content pages are cost-per-click (CPC) ads. This means that advertisers pay only when users click on their ad. You will receive a portion of the amount paid for clicks on ContentLinkâ„¢ ads on your website.
When do I get paid?
They will mail us a check within 30 days after the end of each calendar month that ContentLinkâ„¢ ads are running on your site if your earned balance is US $100 or more. If the account balance is less than $100, They will send you a check at the end of the first month after your balance reaches $100.
Can I show ads on more than one site?
Please contact Kontera regarding any new sites on which you would like to add the tags. They will need to confirm that the site complies with their program policies and your reporting needs.
25 replies on “Make Money Online With Kontera”
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Looking through your site a thought occurred in my experience. I’ll tell you honestly that today there are actually so many MMORPGs that I do not know what is the top play. Again and just as before produced some new game and it’s also hard to ascertain what level they will represent. Obviously as a huge fan of these kinds of games have their particular favorites, but these are simply old games which can be already that you can buy for several ages. I would prefer to try something brand new. Do you have any ideas?
Is it worth adding Kontera to Hubpages? It mentions above that you might need to register new sites, so does that mean I would need permission for every page I post on Hubs?
I really enjoy reading this posts! This list is quite complete. The resource links are valuable as well as the overall post!
I have a Blogger blog, can I use Kontera with it? I have noticed that some places want you to have a certain blog rank or amount of traffic to qualify. My blog is fairly new and my traffic is building slowly. I have been using CB but have not made any money from it.
What if you just use blogger or wordpress – do you have to contact Kontera with each new blog name? especially blogger when you can get loads of different URL’s.. Might be a silly question.. Sorry but im new to the game
I would rather read “How exactly to make money with Contera”
Thanks for the heads up. Loving the blog by the way.
I think this can encourage many people to take up blogging.
This blog is has a really clean look.
The work that was put into this blog is phenomenal, this is a great blog and please keep up the good work!
Thanks for the tip. I’m always looking for new ways to make money online.
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Brilliant post, I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for some time now and have also done a couple of good reviews like the CB-Cash System and more recently the Resellers-Heaven Review Feel free to drop me a comment on any of my blogs for quick approval and I will comment on your blog as well. If you have any tips for quick SEO rankings with google please email me. As I said before Great post! I’ll subscribe right now with my feedreader software! Keep the blog updated and keep up the good work. Cheers
Kontera can be another great ads service for publishers to monetize their blogs.
This blog Is very informative , I am really pleased to post my comment on this blog . It helped me with ocean of knowledge so I really belive you will do much better in the future . Good job web master .
It’s a great service, however sometimes when you load your site you will notice that their inline text ads do not always appear for some reason.
Their payouts are always excellent though!
Sounds like a great service, something to look into!
al-fallujah@ kontera is top and hot before me know about it.
if this thing is so hot why is this the first time I am hearing of it? and i came to this site from a link from a link that had nothing to do with the product
will do some more readind
Thanks Paul. You will be next.
Congrats! This is by far the best designed context ads system out there…. I dun have e traffic yet.. So applying yet..