Finding a logo design for your new small business can always be a troubling experience. It seems that the person you hire to create the perfect logo never gives you exactly what you need, and you end up paying for something that you probably aren’t even going to use. It would be nice if you could just have a large number of different logos to choose from, but that kind of process is usually rather costly. New startups do not have a lot of extra cash to throw around, which is why (48hourslogo) decided to create something new for small businesses around the world. With this website, you can basically create a logo content for your business rather quickly, and you will be able to pick a winner of the content within 48 hours. Here is how it all works.
Tell the Designers What You Want
The first thing you will need to do when you visit the 48hourslogo website is to tell the designers what you want to see in your logo. You should try to be as specific as possible because that is the best way to make sure that one of the participants will actually understand what kind of logo you need. After you have entered your description, a large number of designers will compete to give you exactly what you want.
What Happens Next?
The logo competition will last for 48 hours, which is plenty of time in the world of the Internet. Once all designs have been submitted, you can then begin to look at all of the different options to see which one you like the best. Once you find the logo that describes your business better than any of the others, simply select it as the contest winner and award your prize. There have already been over 750,000 logos created on this website, so you know you will have a good number of different options to pick from once the contest is over.
Is This a Good Option for Small Businesses?
48hourslogo has already served over 10,000 happy customers, which is a lot when you consider that this business is still in the early stages of development. This is definitely the best option available for small businesses right now when it comes to logo design because most small businesses usually pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars. It is easy to see why 48hourslogo is a smart decision for any small business owners. 48hourslogo’s logo portfolio is filled with amazing designs completed by past designers, so you can look through everything they have done in the past before you start your own competition. If you like what you see, there is no reason to hold back on using this service today. When you need the perfect logo for a new business in a short period of time, 48hourslogo is the best place to go.
25 replies on “Logo Design Contest by 48hourslogo”
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This blog is very nice.I really like such a fantastic written blog.I will keep coming here again and again.
Thanks for sharing their design for inspiration it’s best design i’ve ever seen.Keep the good work like this….
Thanks for sharing their design for inspiration it’s best design i’ve ever seen.Keep the good work like this….
Thanks for wonderful sharing i like this…
benim favarim çok farkl? ama
the pulse will be happy with beautiful pictures and that you enjoy, it’s the everyday needs of you, the sublimation, the excitement will make you stiff and hard to breathe.
Your effort is very much appreciated.
I’ve been doing contests on 48HoursLogo, really enjoy it. You’ll find some clients that give good feedback and interaction, get to work on stationary or websites for them, build good relationships. I was working on a website with someone that had selected my design as the winner for their contest. They saw a bad hurricane had hit my area in the US, and sent an email to check on me. I was fine, but it was kinda cool to have someone care that was literally on the other side of the world.
It’s fun and challenging, I believe I’m a much better graphic designer now than when I started.
i have a logo atm but a freshen up is in order. might give this a try. thanks
Thanks for sharing their design for inspiration it’s best design i’ve ever seen.
Very Creative Logo Design .
It’s inspired me .
Thanks for sharing this informative blog and logo designs which is very helpful for me.
Jsem opravdu ohromen tomto blogu! Velmi jasné vysv?tlení problematiky je dána a je otev?ena everyone.It obsahuje v?rný a poctivý informace. Vaše webové stránky je velmi užite?ná.
I když bych si rad?ji byste šli do trochu podrobn?ji, jsem ješt? dostal podstatu toho, co jste m?l na mysli. Souhlasím s tím. To nemusí být populární myšlenka, ale to má smysl. Se ur?it? ješt? vrátíme více o tom. Skv?lá work.Good práce, nádherný blog … opravdu si to a p?idal ji do svých sociálních záložek. Pokra?ujte v dobré práci
Best of luck for the aspriring designers. Good chance to build a portfolio
Good luck to everybody submitting their designs.
Although I am pretty creative, logo design has always been my pit fall. Go for it!
I am living in Manchester and champion in designing logos, going to participate in this contest.
Great collection of themes… realy awesome collection..(y)
I can also say that for us Non-US resident desiners. This is also a good way to build our portfolio. In addition, the exchange rate makes this gig sweet. Been in this kind of contests before. Won some and lost a lot. But still, its enough for our bills.
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