The most successful free WordPress theme on Blog Oh! Blog till date has been Bob V2.0 and this is visible by the number of comments and trackbacks that people have left for that theme.
Following on those lines, I am releasing the 3rd version of the Bob theme called BobV3, but this one does not come for free like the previous versions. This will be a Premium WordPress theme priced at $89.99. I know that a lot of people like BobV2.0 and will not really mind spending some money to upgrade their themes and take their blogs to the next level.

Design & Layout
BobV3 has a very unique layout which cannot be found anywhere on the Internet. The front page of the blog (which usually is set to display ten entries at a time) has been divided into different sections which will let you display all your posts without having the user to scroll down the page. This has been accomplished by using excerpts and the accordion feature of the Mootools JavaScript library. So if you have your blog’s front page set to show ten blog entries, you will see the first entry in full, next two entries in excerpts and the last seven entries in the form of an accordion. This accordion has also been integrated with the first entry so you have only one full post open at a time. This will allow your readers to browse your lengthy entries without any hassles by expanding and collapsing the entry titles.

The archives and the search page have also been styled for maximum ease to find information on your blog.
SEO Benefits
The theme has been designed keeping the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) benefits in mind. All the page titles are Search Engine friendly and the theme uses proper formatting with the header tags (H1,H2,H3) keeping the content well-structured and targeted for maximum exposure. A Breadcrumbs plugin has also been integrated for easy navigation of pages.

Best of my Posts
This is a new feature that I have applied in this premium theme. It retrieves the titles of the most popular entries in descending order (based on the number of comments) and fades them in one-by-one through a fading transition effect on the right sidebar. This is an eye-grabbing effect which will surely make your popular posts more popular ๐

The fading transition is automatic but it pauses when the reader hovers the cursor on a post title.
The theme allows you to run 125×125 banner ads on the sidebar and you can increase them according to your requirements. The images for the ads can be placed in separate folder to distinguish them from other images of your theme.

Tabbed Content
BobV3 also allows you to have your classified content under different tabbed sections in the right sidebar. This uses JavaScript and preloads your content for quick access.

Quick Categories
Your blog readers can now have quick access to your categories from the top right section of your theme. Browsing through your categories will be just at a click’s distance for your readers.

WP2.5 Gallery
Most of the premium themes available in the market lack the styling of the new gallery feature that has been introduced through WordPress 2.5 version. BobV3 has properly defined styles for this new gallery feature and all your images will be properly aligned in your pages or posts.

Most themes available cannot show the following navigational thumbnails while viewing the pictures :-

This theme is ready for the WordPress 2.5 inbuilt Gravatar functionality with a beautifully styled comments section. It is also backward compatible so you can use the theme with previous versions of WordPress (I will not recommend it though).
BobV3 has been tested with Firefox and Internet Explorer (6.0 upwards) and has not shown any discrepancies so far.
Apart from the above features, BobV3 also comes with the following advantages :-
– Valid CSS and XHTML code
– Widget Ready Sidebars
– Subscribe by E-mail Feedburner Box
– Tags Ready
– Custom 404 Error Page
– Full Post-Sales Support
So, what are you waiting for ? Go ahead and buy this most amazing next-gen theme called “BobV3” ! It’s only $89.99!
35 replies on “Premium WordPress Theme – BobV3”
Hey, excellent post. Can you tell me what theme youre making use of? I would like to use the theme for my insurance website. Thanks once more for the data and keep up the genuinely wonderful work. I will likely be returning and will check your further posts.
Great job Jai, really nice integration with Moo tools!
@Duncan:- tnx Duncan. yes, i think thats the only solution!
Have you had a chance to update this theme to WordPress 2.7 standards? I’m particularly interested in the new comments features such as threading.
@Hoo:- I usually get around this by making sure the video is in the “More” section, not in the first excerpt section.
hi dear. i think there is a bug in this them. if u embed a video ( for example from youtube ) , it remain in place and don’t move with post when they are scrolled …
Nice Themes….
like this templates
@david:- You need to modify the author.php file in the theme folder. You will find the “About Me” text there.
can i know how to edit the about me section?
great site , i m going to buy and implement, i guess its mostly jquery
very nice themes.. it is customizable?
It looks really nice. I am interested in purchasing custom theme with you.
Nice theme jai…………..
As it looks, it should be priced.., I can’t understand why people all the time demand for a free theme even without notice the great effort and time you devoted to uniqueness which anyone can see in your themes…….
lastly you again did a great job……..:)
@fanari: What kind of warranty are you looking for ?
Jai, what about the warranty??
Hi there, I am releasing wordpress theme also but not that PREMIUM. Feel free to drop by and have a look. Thanks!
Wow! Thats a beauty Jai. Don’t think $89 is too much for a nice theme like this. And its widget ready, thats the best part. Great theme man!
Damn! I was seriously hoping this super template would be free ! ๐ lol
when this premium template will be given free??
๐ just kidding…
Great job Jai, really nice integration with Moo tools!
As someone who has created themes, I can attest to the fact that there is a LOT of work involved in both the design and the testing of special features.
In my opinion, this theme is appropriately priced….:)
@techgeek : That will never happen ๐
Just wondering when blogohblog is going to be a fully premium site? ;p
great job jai… u made bob proud again! the slider is realy unique and efficient
Why do people complain about it being priced? Isn’t it obvious that a lot of time and effort has been put into it?
I browse around Jai’s blog and i see so quality freebies..
If he doesn’t price it, how else will he fund his host etc.
@Jackson : Bob and Bob V2 are still free Jackson. This is a new product and I feel it should be priced ๐
@zigmat : There is nothing to feel sorry about. Good things come at a price ๐
BoB Theme is a BoB theme and it always was free… Shame…
Cool, Jai. I really like simple themes. Too bad it’s premium. ๐
An amazing skin, the expanding of the entries becomes quite confusing / annoying. But overall amazing theme!
I may be interested ๐
You’ve ruined the Bob theme – by making it premium.
Come on, Jai.
This looks like a really good design. I might have even have used it on my own site.
it breaks my heart to learn that it’s a premium theme. great job again jai! ๐
Hmmm.. I though it free.. lol
p/s- love old bob..:)